Willie Whitehead Jr.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Power in Letting Go!

Good Day Family, Today I would like to talk to you about the Power and importance of LETTING GO of NEGATIVE THOUGHTS! I know that we all face Life challenges from day to day, some are even greater than others. In these times of difficulty, we should understand that focusing on the problem instead of a desired outcome, does nothing more than attract more negative experiences into our lives. We must REALIZE that we are all made in the IMAGE and LIKENESS of GOD,which means that we are all POWERFUL CREATIVE BEINGS, CREATING our own REALITY,every day, whether we are conscious of it or not. There is a common saying by some people to "Let GO and let GOD." This saying has great meaning because, when you let go or stop focusing on the situation or problem, you allow GOD's Positive Power to fix the situation or give you the solution so you can fix it yourself. The Truth of the matter is that, through our connection with GOD, we have access to any solution, to any problem, or an answer to any question! We block or hinder our own answer or solution, because when we focus on the problem, we are mostly focusing negative energy towards it.We don't normally focus on a desired outcome, but the problem itself, which was negative to begin with. Jesus, in the Bible, explains this very process in MATTHEW 6:33 when he says "Seek first the Kingdom of GOD and his RIGHTEOUSNESS and all these THINGS shall be added onto you!" This very process or UNIVERSAL LAW is part of how GOD's KINGDOM works and "HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS" is being in right standing or ALIGNMENT with the SPIRIT of GOD, which is ALWAYS POSITIVE and ALWAYS has the ANSWER and SOLUTION to your problem or situation!

1 comment:

  1. Amen! This is so needed. I am happy to see you spreading the good news, my fellow disciple! ~Be Blessed!
