Willie Whitehead Jr.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How to attract FinanciaL Abundance!

Good day Family, Today I want to talk about how to attract financial abundance into your life. In starting a discussion on this topic of financial abundance, we must all understand that financial abundance varies in definition for different people.To some it may mean having a nice,dependable car to drive and a beautiful house. To others it may mean having four houses and three or four cars in the drive.Whatever your definition is, the best way to attract financial abundance is all the same.We are HUMAN BEINGS, so everything starts from a state of BEING.I know for a lot of  you, you've heard people say, get a good education, so you can get a good job, so you can make a good living.I am not knocking getting a good education, I think obtaining knowledge in any chosen field is very important.The thing is that for a lot of us, we've always been taught that if you do certain jobs, you will make a substantial amount of money and then you will be happy. There is no problem with this understanding if you first come from a particular state of BEING, whether you desire to be a giver,helper,healer,creative or whatever state of BEING you choose.An example: say there are two doctors, both with the same experience,education,and other credentials.They both have their own medical practice, but one is always happy coming to work and always goes the extra mile for his patients because he deeply loves helping people heal.The other doctor just went to medical school, because he was always told that he could make a lot of money being a doctor, but he's always grumpy and displays a bad attitude to his patients and staff,because he's just not that into BEING a person that wants to help people heal, he's really just more interested in the money. The first Doctor sees double the patients as is making three time more money than the second doctor.The first Doctor is also almost always happy no matter what challenges arise and he is also healthier, while the second doctor has ulcers and can't stand dealing with challenges on the job.The difference between these two doctors are obvious, that's why it's so important to discover what state of BEING your coming from and then you can express that state of BEING in one or many ways! I know in these economic times, some people have to get jobs that their not really into to pay the bills, but never give up on finding something that you would love to do that
truly expresses your state of BEING.In coming from your state of BEING you will always find joy,peace,and happiness in whatever you choose to do, because your joy will always come from within, so you will never go without! In closing, always remember to BELIEVE in GOD,BELIEVE in YOURSELF and BELIEVE in LOVE!!!  

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you Willie, Being happy in one's endeavors makes the difference in your successes and failures. I personally have never been financially rich, shoot I may be closer to poor, however my friends and especially my family have blessed me with an never-ending joy. They remind me of what is real and what's Memorex, along with knowing the importance of Loving one another. Hopefully one day my ship will come in; but until then I will always have an abundance of LOVE!
